Hunter Wetlands Centre Commemorative Book

Celebrating 40 Years of Restoration and Conservation
Brian Gilligan ABC Radio

An inspiring account of how dedicated members of the Newcastle community transformed a disused and degraded site into an internationally significant Ramsar-listed wetland.

This beautifully crafted book chronicles the remarkable journey of a passionate group of Novastrians who, in the early 1980s, rallied against plans to turn a neglected area into a rubbish dump.

Order below and get your limited edition print now.

Dr Max Maddock

Dr Max Maddock, Professor of Education at the University of Newcastle, leased part of the wetlands site for grazing horses. While on the site, Dr Maddock noticed four species of Egrets had established a breeding colony in trees in what is now known as Malaleuca Swamp. From this seemingly minor interaction, Dr Maddock developed a remarkable vision to restore the site from a rugby field to a Wetlands Education Centre.

In 1983, the local council announced plans to fill the remnant wetlands to make way for Lorna St dump and to build State highway 23 across the wetlands. Through his renowned passion, Max with his newly established Wetlands Group was able to lobby the government to put a halt to both these plans, and the site was declared a wildlife sanctuary.