Water and the life it supports constitute some of the favourite subjects painted or drawn by our members. Birds and frogs are common among the artworks at our exhibitions, along with the water habitats of lakes, rivers and wetlands. Watercolours and acrylics lend themselves particularly well to the depiction of these environments so most of the artworks in this exhibition were created using these media. The artworks reflect the beauty and significance of the natural environment and, in particular, the Hunter Wetlands.
The Newcastle and Lake Macquarie Art Society was established in 1934 and was formerly known as the Newcastle Art Society. Drawing in artists from across the wide region of Newcastle and Lake Macquarie, the Society's purposes include art education for members, exhibiting members' work and generally stimulating interest in art within the wider community. Artists use a variety of media including watercolour, gouache, acrylics, oils, inks, drawing and coloured pencils. This is the second exhibition the Society has had at the Hunter Wetlands Centre.