Art Exhibition Spedding

Visitor Centre Hunter Wetlands Centre

Rob Spedding took up art in 2012 after an illness and lengthy hospitalisation left him with limited mobility and unable to return to work. In an effort to overcome
subsequent depression, he joined the Cooranbong Art Lovers Movement and later the Wangi Art Group, and quickly developed a love for drawing.

Rob has completed works in oils, acrylics, and pastels, but it is pencil drawing that is his passion and forte. He is known for the attention to detail shown in his work. Australian flora and fauna, horses, and the Australian landscape are key themes, reflecting his keen interest in these subjects.

Rob is an award-winning local artist receiving numerous awards and commendations including the highly coveted People's Choice Award at the Morisset-Lake Macquarie District Agricultural Show (2013), First Prize at the Dobell Festival of Art and Craft (2017) and most recently First Prize in Portraiture at the Morisset Show 2024. Rob was selected as an artist-in-residence at the St Lawrence Wetlands Festival and Clermont Wombat Festival. His artwork has been internationally published and exhibited in a number of galleries and has become much sought after.