Scientific Advisory Group - Call for Applications

Visitor Centre Hunter Wetlands Centre
November 3, 2021

Hunter Wetlands Centre Scientific Advisory Group

We are excited to announce that applications are now open for the Hunter Wetlands Centre Scientific Advisory Group. We are looking for individuals with skills and expertise in:

  • Wetland hydrology
  • Ecology
  • Biodiversity and environmental management, particularly related to coastal floodplain and estuary wetlands

We welcome both experienced professionals and early-career individuals who are passionate about conservation and wetland ecosystems. If this sounds like an opportunity you’d be interested in—or if you know someone who might be—please don’t hesitate to reach out or share this link.

More information in the attached ToR and EOI, the closing date for applications is Friday the 29th November.'

Scientific Advisory Group

We are establish ing an advisory panel with expertise and experience in wetland hydrology, ecology, biodiversityand management, especially in relation to coastal floodplain and estuary wetlands. Members could have backgrounds in academic research, consultancy, public sector or community-based conservation. Membership would aim to include 1-2 early career stage specialists.

We are planning for a group of up to seven members, including a chair. Participation in this group will be voluntary and members will not be paid for their time or their advice.


Scientific Advisory Group membership would be determined through an application process and the proposed members would be approved by the Board of HWCA.


Objectives and Scope

Initially the SAG will focus on the management priorities of the HWCA component of the Ramsar site. Where opportunities arise and resources allow, the SAG will participate in scientific oversight on management issues affecting the whole Hunter Estuary Wetlands Ramsar site and its broader estuary context.  


The scope of the Advisory Group role includes:

oversight of the scientific and technical aspects of the wetlands,including the focus of research and monitoring at HWCA

  • identify threats to values and site specific Ramsar criteria
  • oversight and advice on significant site projects and deliverables
  • liaise with and advise the HWCA Site Management Committee on strategic management priorities and the development and ongoing review of the current management plan for the site
  • liaise with the HWCA Site Management Committee to prioritise management activities.
  • the application of recently published studies in wetland management to the site


Expectations and Commitment

The group is expected to meet three times per year. A work planwill be developed in consultation with the Scientific Advisory Group, Board andconsultants.


Over the next 12 months the centre will be initiating a number ofsignificant projects including:

  • A review of key Ramsar documents for theShortland component of the Hunter Estuary Wetlands Ramsar Site to assess their status.This includes  
    1. Ramsar Information Sheet
    2. Ecological Character Description
    3. Ramsar Site Management Plan
  • A range of site initiatives to respond to climate change impacts and threats to biodiversity and water quality
  • Capacity building opportunities for wetland managers